
If I ever get married, I actually want my significant other to have a hobby that he loves and spends plenty of time doing. Because I have my own hobbies, mainly the evil video games, and I need time on my own. So yeah, if someone is stressed out and just wants to relax, why the hell not? Why am I, as the woman in the

I mean....decent chance the wife is also a gamer, since people often marry people with similar interests.  And even if not, in a healthy relationship, people realize other people have hobbies that they want to do.  This could just as easily be “Tell your husband you need to garden?”.  I hate how video games get

Proud to say my wife and I have an incredibly loving and healthy relationship. Over this last year, as we occasionally tire from seeing each other, she is glad to have the bedroom to herself to read in bed while I play Playstation downstairs. It’s normal and healthy and NY Times can fuck off into the sun. 

The quote doesn’t imply that the wife is the cause of the stress, just that telling her that you need to unwind with some Xbox isn’t a valid thing to do.

This is such an absurd quote/framing since this is a perfectly reasonable thing to tell an SO, parent, friend, etc.

I mean my wife sits down and plays with me. Weird for the writers of the article to still be stuck in a 90's mindset where only boys play games and it’s a waste of time. Plenty of adult friends and couples game together, and it’s healthy. Bizarre. Maybe they should interview other people like me who has been with my

It’s funny because my wife just took the afternoon playing Fortnite while I took care of the kid.

No one tell the people that my wife and I are both women who play video games together to destress.

“What are you going to do when you need to step away from an interpersonal dispute and cool off, do something unrelated that disconnects you from the situation?”

Seriously, and that somehow using Xbox to escape and de-stress is a bad thing? Better than dozens of other vices.

If this wasn’t full of COVID-19 references, I would think this was published 20 years ago. Also, that quote from his mom...

“What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed? Tell your wife that you need to play Xbox?”

As a mid-30s guy who played a lot of games, specifically Animal Crossing and its built in sense of virtual community, during all of this to keep sane and in touch with friends and family, this NYT article can kindly fuck off. I’ll keep sussing my 8-year-old nieces and nephews in Among Us from afar on a weekly basis (be

I watched this for the first time many years ago. I will never stop smiling watching it.

You should delete your account over this truly horrendous take.

People died, guy... and we’re pretty lucky that it wasn’t significantly more people.

We’re literally legally obligated to tell you if such was the case my guy

Be prepared to get stuck in snow for 30 minutes while you desperately use your wench to inch slowly out of the mud and ice.

The fact that Fortnite came out in 2018 with crossplay enabled until someone noticed and shut it off gives me the impression that its a 0% technical issue and a 100% corporate bullshit issue

you’ll be able to play the darkest third-person shooter in human history