
"In trying to make a small screen Avengers, the show sorta skimps on what made the Netflix shows more interesting"

It looks like George R.R. Martin is in charge of the Kinja transition.

Keep up the good fight on Kinja, deluded MCU fanboy!

I will miss the royal "We" of rabid MCU fanboys like you!

The daughter has to be the secret boss of the Hand, or the villain for next season. It is the only explanation for spending more time with her than the average Hand leader.

Disqur Morghulis.

So far, so good.

For all the talk about Kunlun, why didn't they show the Fab Five there? In general, any flashback would have been far more interesting to build Sigourney Weaver's character than an appointment with a doctor or a corporate board meeting…

"the latest in a steady line of Marvel Netflix villains to be as compelling as the heroes"

You want it to be one way. But it is the Kinja way.

"Not only are his fans—shall we say—uniquely vehement"

For a superhero crossover they needed a more epic threat like, I don't know, an actual supervillain - who isn't just a slightly stronger ninja. "Supergirl" did an alien invasion this year! And actually the Arrowverse crossover was also about an alien invasion. No point for originality, but at least this kind of event

It's rumor time: MCU fanboys will believe anything.

This is a distraction from Kinja.

To make people care about inequality and the gender gap, it is obviously a great idea to focus every year on Hollywood celebrities.

I have a Kinja feeling about this.

They had three years and five seasons of TV to set up this crossover, but it is all so generic. The plot is straight from "Batman Begins" or half the seasons of "Arrow", there is nothing special about these villains so far. Actually these episodes could happen during "Iron Fist" or the second season of "Daredevil".

The Night Kinja is coming to destroy all upvotes.

The biggest problem with "Game of Thrones" is its success: it now has 400% more viewers than for the pilot. It is the opposite of a niche show, which sadly means that millions of people are watching it not because they like it, but because of the hype. That is why there is so much whining about insignificant details

Everyone’s looking for a reason to believe in Kinja.