
@madlogik: I was looking at wyse, 'cause it does both RDP and VNC... Thanks for the recommendations!

I'll throw out AirSharing and AirDisplay. Both easy to use and helpful. Still looking for that killer VNC/RDC app though.

@geowrian: I'm not trying to say it would be easy to set up a wireless network, but feasible. It might not be a widespread infrastructure, but you could get SIP server and some wifi phones up and running in a town pretty easily, as long as it's not occupied by armed forces.

Community based networks can help them.

@MifuneT: It sure is. Especially in the NW where there aren't that many black people.


Finger shoes... So strange to see in the wild.

@MaNiFeX: Oh, and no problems man, I am just super interested in wireless networking, especially not involving ISPs.

@jchen1: Oh yeah. It's taken me about 5 years to go from 60 buildings with 30 APs to 60 buildings with 250 APs. About to go through a massive wireless n upgrade too.

@jchen1: Not only that, you only need three things to get a working "internet" up:

@geowrian: Not true at all. Meshing allows multiple APs to live on the same network space (10.x.x.x can support more addresses than one needs) and provide essentially the same infrastructure as the internet.

So ordering this. Of course, my memories of such phone include Magnum PI and my Dad with his Magnum PI mustache and car phone.

Let ad-hoc encrypted wireless networking begin.

@Biduleman: Ahahahaha! Well, at least the Macbook Air 2 has USB on both sides....

I wonder if they use the PCMCIA slot? It would be a great use of a slot.