
He hates the Muslim infidels and the homos. That’s all they need.

babe this whole thing is a joke

I knew this would happen.

I so, so badly want the convention to be contested. All four million Republican debates between their 20 candidates and 12 months of seeing Drumpf’s face will be totally worth it if I get to watch that shitshow.

He can also just opt out of endorsing anyone, though.

Agree with you entirely. Anyone who thinks Hillary is going to cakewalk her way to the nomination is being incredibly naive. She certainly has strengths of her own, but she’s under investigation, has a penchant for unforced errors, and her fortunes are going to rise or fall based on the state of the economy. She’s

If you were going to murder someone this is EXACTLY what you’d say to throw off suspicion.

Graham has been right more than twice. I hate the guy as much as any liberal, but I can’t help liking him right now, too. I wouldn’t vote him into literally any position, but he’s been fun this election.

I hate that I live in a world where I’m in agreement with anything Bobby Jindal and Lindsey Graham said.

who the hell is pro-rape to the point where they’re trying to stop police

This is what I don’t get though: it’s not as if they’re ‘abortion kits’ or ‘obamacare kits’ or anything else these assholes find a way to be obstinate about. I mean, who the hell is pro-rape to the point where they’re trying to stop police from being able to investigate them properly?!

I had a southern ex whose go-to phrase for that was “hung like a boll weevil”.

In the red corner, weighing in at $250 million, the Stormin’ Mormon, the Massachusetts Flipper, The Corporation’s Champion, The Vulture Capitalist MITT ROMNEY!

That is exactly what I was thinking.

She was giggling because that entire huge auditorium was SILENT. Lol I think right at that moment she realised how much people dislike her.

I like to think that it dawned on her while waiting for her cue, juuuust before she stepped out on to the stage

Do you think maybe she didn’t understand what she signed up for until it was too late and that’s what that weird giggling was about?

Hey, if a rape is “legitimate,” the female body has a way of shutting the whole thing down.

So, if you get raped by a stranger, don’t abort the baby because that’s bad, but we won’t acknowledge its existence when it’s born, either.

I have two degrees in English Lit and I agree in many ways with Eugenides. Don't get me wrong, I am the first person to call out sexism in the literary world (and there is a LOT of it) but there is a difference between Zadie Smith, Alice Munroe, Toni Morrison, Hilary Mantel, and company and Jodi Picoult, Jennifer