That was a clever response. I promise I didn't upvote it only because the people decided it was shit.
That was a clever response. I promise I didn't upvote it only because the people decided it was shit.
People like to hate on anything they've been told to notice in movies ("teal-and-orange," lens flares). The speed-ramping in this looked fucking cool.
It depends on what you liked about BvS. This movie is certainly more digestible, and will be universally liked, I feel. But I missed the aspect of BvS where every image looks like a heavy metal album cover.
My expectations for it were probably too high, but I can't see it not catching on with audiences. The movie's pretty damn likeable.
I disagree that most liberals have a sense of humour about themselves, which is actually my problem with a lot of political comedy shows. By having to take the "cool" stance, they rarely turn their sights on themselves (which is why Richard Pryor was a better comedian than Eddie Murphy). Though this may be a more…
I dated someone who identified herself as a Queen Bee archetype in high school, but maybe only had that view because she felt she'd evolved.
You understand that this is happening for far less offenses than Naziism?
I really worry about the way people on the left have adopted rightwing tactics in how they speak of their opposition ("dumpster fire," "human garbage," etc). We only recognize bad behaviour when it's coming from the other side, and we're slowly devaluing human life in the process.
"Whiiiittteee people!! And by that I mean, all of them except for me!" - White people
I did, and liked it a bit better because the 75-minutes before Jack Sparrow shows up have some cool things going on. Plus, it knew it was the last (at the time) of the series. The problem with middle chapters is there are sometimes no signposts to how much is gonna be left.
Cool! I hope it costs $39.99!! (Yes, I'm bitter at all the late-bloomer vinyl collectors who drove up their prices.)
What was cool is there was no drama associated with the Wonder Woman movie. People of all genders are excited about seeing a movie about a woman superhero, which is awesome and revolutionary. And then Alamo Drafthouse decided it wanted to give its chain this publicity, with predictable results.
It's not whether the music is consequential, it's that it struck fear in the hearts of people. Grande's fans are mostly very young and mostly girls, and generally have nothing to do with whatever terrorists are angry about. But it's the idea that if it happens here, and to young women, nobody is safe. Very sad week.
I never understood what Urkel's problem was. He kept chasing rude Laura, while Myra was supercute and horny AF.
How is this possible?? I watched on the Oscars once George Clooney say that Hollywood is always at the forefront of social change!
The topic interests me, but it's a "Dreamgirls-ing of rap," which does not. In any event, I'm sorry for those who worked on it that it's canceled.
Dead Man's Chest is still the most endless-feeling blockbuster I've ever seen, so I'll probably avoid this one.
This is the whitewashing of culture, and he should have played Fishbone with a fishbone instead.
This is the first time I've been legit excited for a superhero movie since the weeks building up to Batman Returns. I am old.
A lot of movies are poorly reviewed simply because they opened at the wrong time, and critics didn't feel like liking a David Lynch movie when Tarantino had the spotlight and was making easier films. Which sucks, because LOST HIGHWAY is one of his best movies. It has never had an acceptable-looking home video release…