Mandy J. Moore

I’m happy for her, but wow the final ratings are going to be a minuscule fraction of what they would have been with Serena. The USTA, networks, and advertisers must be furious.

Aww puddums. Your Constitutional rights aren't in jeopardy any time someone says your interests are stupid.

Nobody intends to protect rapists, they intend to protect the reputation of the frat and system as a whole

You make so many excellent points in this piece Jia, but this one stands out;

It's telling, still, that the best and most practical idea I heard all weekend is predicated on the worst, most misogynist impulses. From a sorority sister of mine whose actual sister—also a UVA alum—is now a police officer who works with victimized women: "Make it a taboo for frat boys to hook up with blackout

Stale, cookies? You're doing it wrong.

you hide in the bathroom eating it with a spoon.

Personally, i'd advise to anyone wanting to try this stuff is to stay away, it's like crack you can spread on croissants.

There was a guy on Sports Center last night that had some awesome things to say about Janay Palmer (Rice?), how this would affect her for the rest of her life and we should also be thinking about how hard this is on her. It was the first time I've heard anyone talk about how fucked up this is for her and not just Ray

I'm from DE, a state with maybe 25 people in it, so I know Joe personally, and he is just as dope IRL.

Biden strikes me as the intelligent cousin who is always trying to be "down to earth." He tries saying things in a way he thinks people will understand or in a way that sounds plain, and instead it just always comes out wrong and so at Thanksgiving you put him at the end of the table where no one can hear him anyway.

Oh Joe, be still my heart! There are really just no words for how much I love that man!

I was going to post a silly gif, but tears started streaming down my face. THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOE. Sometimes the years of war against women just fucking wears you down, so when you hear this so plainly by someone so amazing, it just blows you away.

This is why Joe Biden is my fantasy internet boyfriend. He gets so much shit for gaffes when 99% of the time, he's the smartest and most compelling guy in the room. Of course he would say this. Of course. I love him so much.

Someone's going to do it...