
It was distracting because you made it distracting. Actual discussion I had with a friend after watching it:

“That’s the guy who got shot on the toilet!” :)

The perfect Grand Moff Tarkin:

The way Dance carries himself in Game of Thrones is spot on to Tarkin, yes.

The last thing you want the audience in a Star Wars film, upon seeing Grand Moff Tarkin, is saying “oh there’s Tywin Lannister” for even half a second.

I don’t get how this is an ethical issue. They got permission from Cushing’s estate, and from Carrie herself. Doing it without permission, yeah that’s an ethical issue. Doing it with, not at all.

although he’s not gaunt, Charles Dance (as someone pointed out to me) would have been a perfect Tarkin.

And another interesting part of that, although perhaps not as fun, is the possibility of organisms that we have no resistance against showing up.
... kinda like Cthulhu.

Fear not—while awakening a million-year old plague sounds like a great scifi plot, most of these critters are totally harmless.

If they manage to take the Internet down, your power will almost certainly go off. Got candles, and a crank for that turntable?

Business. Many businesses depend on internet nowadays. Losing all internet for say, 2 days would make me to pack my stuff and hand in my resignation. And I’m not the only one.

Yeah, accelerated global warming is just peanuts.

They’re all just waiting for the Supermodel delivery that they’ve convinced themselves that they deserve. Any day now, an army of Victoria’s Secret angels will be dropped off at their doorsteps, and they will claim what is their due. Until then, it is the Cheeto-dusted, cramped-hand, incel waiting game behind their

Here is me when I first started getting into feminism. (Hot New Year’s Eve look right?)

Im a flaming feminist (so I’m a frigid bitch that *must* hate men) and I’m fat (so obviously no men want me, right?) but I’ve caught so much dick that’s so much better than any sad wee MRA could offer. My refusal to fuck them makes me this Feminazi Cuntadactyl that must be stopped.

There you go.

Schrodinger’s Feminist

I read that comment quickly and somehow assumed he was making fun of climate change denial. My mistake. I think this meme encapsulates the problem pretty well.