
Just love your kids.

One of the teens who took photos of her alleged rape pled guilty to manufacturing child pornography and was sentenced earlier this month to no jail time and no probation.

"For one thing, election day should replace Columbus Day as a federal holiday"


Yea, I totally watched the music video after you mentioned it.

Ironic that the government is now the terrorist.

How did our police become autonomous little armies?

We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft's okay. He's a sailor, he's in New York. We get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble!

Science says you are wrong. What you're describing, maybe 3 spankings in a lifetime, is not the thing being discussed. I think YOU are looking at the topic too emotionally, because you know you have stricken your child and cognitive dissonance is making you uncomfortable, so you make up a story to feel better.

I was not spanked, but my little sister was, and we both turned out fine. BUT. When the subject of spanking comes up, I am vehemently against it, and she'll pull out some line about how, for some kids, it's the only thing that works and that spanking was the right thing for her, etc. You can present her with all the

I was spanked as a child and I turned out just fine. Fine enough to realize that spanking is bullshit and not an option for my two children.

When my mom was little car seats didn't exist and she turned out just fine. I suggest that we ban all car seats forever!!

I'm not one of those "I was spanked and I'm fine!" people, I'm one of the "I was abused and it was called spanking" people. So I don't think this bill sounds perfect, but a legal definition of spanking that takes the belts, brushes, or other weapons out of the hands of the adult sounds like a step in the right

Hi, my major is in Early Childhood development (with a concentration on Elementary and Adolescence), and I'm just going to say it: spanking is bullshit. You know why it's obviously bullshit? Because you have to keep doing it. If your kid keeps getting his or herself into trouble constantly and you keep hitting

The cost of ICU for 20-26 weeks was the first thing I thought of as well; that could well and truly pauperize this poor family. Who will then, of course, be labeled moochers and parasites trying to milk entitlements from job creators or some such bullshit. This whole thing is nauseating.

I agree with you 100% about the state picking up the bill for this as the mandate is coming from them. This would also include the state paying for any care related to her child when and after s/he is born.

This is problematic on many levels. Many, many levels. Firstly, do we know if the fetus is viable? Severe oxygen deprivation does not only affect the mother. Also, who is paying for her medical care? I realize that this is a very crass question, but if the family/their insurance is expected to cover this, it could

I think there was an episode of Star Trek where there were primary husbands and back up husbands. The primary husband got to wear a big fancy brooch or something because he was special. I think I would like my husbands to wear fancy hats that denote rank; back up husband will wear a man-fascinator, pretty much just