
I’m about that old and I’m no spring chicken. My feet hurt all the time, it seems like I find a new wrinkle every day now, I get injuries when I sleep, I know my way around town by way of landmarks that don’t exist anymore, I leave my turn signal on for more than an hour at least once a month, and I can’t keep up with

I cling to my local queer bookstores, ngl.

The gay agenda right there and it's fucking glorious. 


We can do with more LGBT bookstores.

I know it’s hard to remember this some days, but most people are good. :) 

Just a counter thought, would it really cast transpersons in a good light to have a character that is a bit mentally unstable and nearly destroyed the world twice come out as trans?

I mean no offense and apologize if the question is offensive. 

I panicked, felt blindsided, got defensive & allowed my fear & horror of being accused of being racist take over.”

I had the misfortune of dealing with her in the early 2000's just before The Osbournes. She was one of the worst human beings I’ve ever had to deal with. Would gripe over the most minute details and treat everyone like dirt. Literally nothing we did would make that woman happy.

In what dimension is Piers Morgan a “nice person?” What she means is that Piers is nice to her personally, which is a remarkably poor way to judge someone’s character. 

Her daughter did say this, “If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?”

“Did I like everything he said? Did I agree with what he said? No,” Osbourne said on The Talk. “Because it’s his opinion. It’s not my opinion… I support him for his freedom of speech, and he’s my friend.

So at first, I was going to say well maybe Osbourne was misunderstood here, but her reaction to the question makes it hard to defend her.

Go over to the daily wire. I'm sure there are some more dr. Seuss articles you haven't read yet.

Make it a permanent hiatus, and finally get Osbourne off tv for good hopefully.

TIL - Sharon Osbourne is friends with a giant asshole.

I remind you that this person thought it was a good idea both to manage and marry John “Ozzy” Osbourne, whom has attempted to murder her multiple times.

If I were in a room with her I wouldn’t want it to be by myself, let’s say that. She goes firmly in the category “unpredictable loose cannon full of dangerous stupid,”

So the woman married to an alcoholic freak who bit heads off of bats is a great judge of character now?

bye felicia

Put a fork in her. She’s done.