
He seems to be ignoring all the other things Democrats are trying to fight for that will affect his day to day life though.

Healthcare, environment, stable economy, education, infrastructure, privacy, etc.. are all things any citizen should be worried about and the R’s are leading us down the path of destruction.


I thought you were going to make a joke during your rant but it never paid off.

If you think it’s as simple as getting a job then you’re either very lucky, blind, racist, ignorant, naive, or all of the above.

I was exactly zero surprised finding out that R Kelly had a place in Trump Tower.

How in the world is what they said not flagged for hate speech is beyond me.  This isn’t 4chan or the T_D that kind of shit needs to be quickly escorted out of the comments.

Some curbs can get really big in Texas’ malls.

I think it would be fun to make a zoo that is actually for the animals to observe the humans and not the other way around.

I think it completely ignores the fact that men shouldn’t just be taking one week off after a child is born as a bragging point. I was very fortunate to find a job that gives parental leave to both father and mother and plan on using every minute of that to help raise the baby.

We all know absent working father’s are

It would be able a 5 minute discussion on why what they did was wrong and against the law and I bet they would never do it again. Hell, slap a big fine on them and move on.  No need to destroy entire families because they made a very poor decision.

I agree, prison is not appropriate punishment for most things though.  Maybe a monetary fine or community service.  

Just proving my point for me.

Some people view the prison system as a suitable punishment for pretty much anything despite incarceration not being an effective rehabilitation tool.

Really missing the “Random assortment of old military equipment because at one point there was a military base here”

Fuck Jerry Jones.

The title of this article makes it sound like he’s changing *his* own mind on socialism.

May just be how I read it initially but its kinda bugging me.

I agree they really dropped the ball with him.

Bran was the bait for the nightking.  Without him there Arya wouldn’t have had a chance to kill him.

TBH when I see that mac n’cheese come out at Texas Roadhouse though..

It’s amazing that the game is slowly approaching a playable state.

When the dev said that the release was just ‘early access’ guess they forgot to tell everyone who bought the game about that.

This is the unsung hero of a few Toyota models. 

That’s what actually keeps me playing in new areas. I understand the lack of the power trip kinda thing but it works well for elder scrolls games