
I’m so glad Gruden is out of the announcer booth.

You could also say “despite the penalties” as well couldn’t you?

But you still left a snarky comment..

Fantastic video.  Look forward to watching more of his stuff.  

I was thinking more he rides off into the sunset; slightly slouched over the saddle leaving the viewer unsure if he actually has passed away or will live to see another zombie.. I mean walker... Walker Texas Ranger..

I actually think that D4 may end up something more like Souls or GoW(new one).  An over the shoulder POV looter.

I think it should say “Dark Souls is an action-roll playing game”


Is he in under legal trouble?  

That’s ok not everyone can wear everything.  I feel the same about crew necks. 

All of my work clothes are just old work related t-shirts cause I ain’t spending no money to go to work.

Drew is an idiot and this is exactly why v-necks are better than crew.   Not all of us have tiny necks with little heads and need some extra room to navigate.


I don’t know why but i’ve been enjoying the really shit games.

Something about watching two teams just go three and out over and over again make me happy and its weird and my wife hates it.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Ironically there is an article in the AV section about Meta jokes and this falls squarely into that bracket.

What a time to be alive.

No Totino’s is a shame. Shame on you.

That is a really great question. I’ve never been a big why guy but i’ll try to extrapolate the reason why I do it.

Part of it may be from growing up in a full house-hold where wasting warm water in an empty shower is less than ideal.  The other part may just be out of a habit at this point.  

This is pretty metal tbh.

I can’t really wrap my head around this being good. I grew up eating Venison and the last thing I’ve ever thought was “I really wish this was a fast-food sandwich option”.

Could be wrong about that though!

You gave him such a good set up as well! How dissapointing. I always found it was best to first find out the girls liqour of choice before having her over so that I could impress.

Nothing says “lets get comfortable” like a hand-made margarita with freshly squeezed lime juice.