
Babies and puppies are the only reason I like facebook.

This is the same as people complaining I post too many pictures of my vacations. Don’t be a hatin’ cause you ain’t on my vacation.

My car has just over 300 horsepower.

I could use some more.

Then explain how Thomas the train came to be?

The level design gets very soulsy at some points but because levels are treated as episodic you don’t get that holy shit moment when you open a passage way that leads back to the starting area a la Dark Souls 1.

I have the 550i and its awesome. A few issues here and there but since they’re fixed they haven’t broken again.

Great car!

I dumped all my inventory on the market about a week ago and couldn’t be happier to get some money out of it.

This game is so bad and has always been bad. Its only redeeming quality was the action it was able to create on occasion.

Can’t wait for a company to step in and make a real winner winner chicken dinner.

This happened a week or two ago in an NFL game as well. Pretty great.

Isn’t this for a 10k miles a year though? The care program has 15k.

So how do you sleep now? I find myself doing this a lot and don’t want it to lead to problems down the road.

This is where myself and other friends lie. We love the universe and all its potential and view the OT as good but in no way perfect or the best.

Especially after playing the KOTOR games you realize just how cool all of this could be if Disney will just take a risk like they did with this movie and expand out the

I have to say this is pretty obvious. No one would repost with the exact same title as the video.

I would be curious about the area required and the cost required for each as well.

Sorry but your slippery slope argument doesn’t hold up. Banning a traitorous flag does not prevent you from having freedom of speech.


Pretty much. Granted we at one point captured Mexico City so could’ve just taken the whole country as part of the US but that is on a different timeline.

I said it wasn’t a part of Texas heritage not history. Also, if you’re worried about historical accuracy it should be the white flag of surrender.

This is a really bad opinion and doesn’t even have anything to do with what I said.

I said that Texas heritage is not the confederacy. If those people want to fly the flag of bigotry and hate then let them but sure as hell I’ll call them out on it. I also would support a law that banned the traitorous flag if it ever

I miss HEB up in the DFW area. I cannot grasp why they haven’t moved up here. It’s horrible.

I’m a fellow born and raised Texan and I cannot stand the sight of the confederate flag.

Texas was part of Spain and France for longer than it was the Confederacy and its a joke to say its a part of our heritage. Anyone who claims otherwise is uneducated or willfully ignorant.

This is a very KenM thing to say.