
Got to start them young! These prison’s aren’t going to fill themselves.

Anyone else not impressed with the graphics? This has to be console only if its going to look like it came out in 2010.

I would suggest only cleaning the bottom once every never. Grow it out long enough that you can’t see it!

Bonus points for a food catcher.

Funnily enough this question all got started because I was wondering if Cersei and Jamie were really having incest since they were twins..

I would like to point out that you have over a hundred stars and the original comment only has 6. It’s pretty clear what the majority of readership’s mindset is.

Why do I have Diggs, Thielen, and Rudolph on my FFL Team :’(

The visual alone is amazing. I think if O-line have to do something then the d-line has to do something similar. Just imagine both of them flipper armin’ each other.

Ok this is creepy thanks.

I would say allow holding but also allow defensive players to fight back. If you have holding the defense should be able to try and knock those grubby hands away!

As a kid I loved loved loved my FF7 guide.

In all my years of dating a kiss on the cheek never happened. That’s unachievable.

BMW doesn’t have this problem, at least my ‘10 550i doesn’t

Poor ol’ Vince. May his brittle soul rest in peace.

*cough* Dwayne Johnson *cough*

I think Johnson & Bennett would be more appropriate. I sure as hell would vote for them.

Drew I just want to reach out to you and let you know that I too have dreams of going back to play high school football even though its been over 10 years since the glory days.

Even if you want to try and defend him the rule still applies. If he hadn’t had used his public profile he would’ve been fine.

Make sure to have two accounts. As we’ve seen in the past(Ken Bones) you don’t want to accidentally reveal how much of a creep you are on the internet.

I agree with this. DFW is incredibly diverse in terms of where you’re from. At work there are most def. fewer native Texans which i’m totally fine with.

The burbs might be something else but the original comment writer sure does come off as a dick more than anything else.

Also, PC doesn’t release until october so i’m assuming this price will apply until then.

Also, PC doesn’t release until october so i’m assuming this price will apply until then.