
I agree with this. We’re trying to change the culture here where I work and one way is by wearing shorts when its effing hot outside. I don’t ever see “clients” and could care less if my wonderful calves are a distraction or not.

Free the ankles!

I promise you its not. Forcing customers to pay things like “preferred” seating is much more of a money grab than luggage.

You get a free personal bag as well that you can use as your personal items for the flight. Anecdotal, i’ve done week long international trips using a personal bag and carry on only so its enough for most trips.

I did their UDE last year and I’m doing it again. It’s completely free and was tons of fun for a couple of hours.

They don’t charge for the first bag; your carry on.

If you really want a first free checked bag I highly recommend getting the credit card associated with whatever airline you fly most.

Forbes Top 500 amirite?

I didn’t say it was the first thing they did but they have done in the past few years because of the return of profitability. Just go look at all the contracts that have been signed that gave huge raises. Also, not all employees are front-line as well; I work in IT and we got just about a 20% raise in the past 3

Mayo, because i’m a monster.

Hate to say but “Charging to check a bag? What kind of bullshit is that? “ is one of the more logical extra charges. Each pound of weight you put on that plane is more fuel which is more cost to the airline and also requires more labor to get that bag from checked in to the baggage carousal.

Do people tend to forget that the major airlines employ hundred of thousands of employees? If an airline isn’t profitable those employees suffer and have been suffering for the past 16 years.

It’s easy to shake your fist at big corporations but don’t forget the human beings who make it run.

That being said as a 6'4

I had this exact same question last night while thinking about winning the lottery. Glad to see Miata wasn’t suggested and some other cool ideas were.

How do you pronounce chi-town? Is it chee-town? Kie-twon? Shi-town?

Don’t waste your time on toxic relationships. Get out as quick as you can and focus on yourself.

I understand the call for a regulation and guidance, but please please please do not let it be the federal or state governments. When it comes to technology they are by far the most incapable and ignorant group of people.

I think Musk should stop talking and do something about it cause sure as hell us

Can’t decide how I feel about this.

I would blast the dealership model for being the problem but then again this issue exists even on things like amazon. Car’s a little bit harder to bulk purchase and resell due to their high initial cost.

PUBG is full of funny friendly moments like that. It’s such a strange but fun game.

Can’t listen to the podcast cause work, but was e-sports like Starcraft considered? Since we’re talking about mentally grueling it seems like this should be in the running. The speed at which these players process events and make decisions is mind-blowing.

To follow this up; how the political thriller plot will play out with world-ending zombie apocalypse  at the door step.

Sounds like the plot to a Community episode.

You forgot the “drop your keys” so you can check under the car real quick for trackers.