
FWIW: That sign was never meant to remain in place.

When you purchase a concert ticket you are purchasing the PRIVILEGE of attending that concert. You are not purchasing a Right to distract, disturb... generally act like a fuck-up. YOU ARE NOT IN YOUR BEDROOM OR TEEN PARTY — YOU ARE IN THE ARTISTS’ “HOUSE” AND YOU SHOULD RESPECT THAT PRIVILEGE.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Considering 12 is marrying age in those states, what’s the big deal?

C’mon robots, are you not aware by now that “obsolete” is the key ingredient to corporate success by these price-gougers??

I bet the sponsors reading this ain’t too thrilled.

Fix Or Repair Daily.

Too many Humans have lost their minds, and arguably, practical priorities ever since the advent of (anti)Social Media time-wasters like FB and Twitter. Of course, the ‘Smart’ phone manufacturers are more than willing to assist your lame 24-hour fascination with texting and selfing yourselves ad nauseum.

Too many Humans have lost their minds, and arguably their practical priorities. since the advent of (anti)Social Media time-wasters like FB and Twitter. Of course, the ‘Smart’ phone manufacturers are more than willing to assist your lame 24-hour fascination with texting and selfing yourselves ad nauseum.

A chip off the ol’ Scalia block. Clarence was always a Pig. Anita was indeed his victim and the Congress pushed Clarence T. through the system into a position he did/does not deserve. Now we’re finding how true that was. What a mistake it was to give him a ‘pass’ back then.

For every ignorant action — expect an equal (or worse) reaction.

I’m just tired of the LAMIP [Look At Me I’m Special] aspects of all the Letter people, regardless of which side of the fence or color spectrum. Live & let live... but above all... please just shut up.

Because the texture feels like shi*sand in your mouth, and tastes like it’s attempting to ‘taste’ like something. In other words — too far ‘beyond’ meat.

Perhaps using recycled parts may not be the proper direction in which to proceed?

You Americans sure love your pills!!

Facebook is now interfering with National Security issues... and at the same time — showing its politically-charged hand by reporting an abortion issue to authorities!

That’s too bad because Tim Allen’s an asshole.

When I was a kid I had to join the NRA in order to receive my first hunting license (1969). In the early 80's, I learned the NRA was no longer about hunting and target shooting — it was purely a commercial entity (though quietly in the background). The NRA shifted toward protecting & supporting gun manufacturers,

Two major excuses in one match... thigh muscle (which turned out to be a ruse after she took the wrap off her thigh and had no problem running back & forth).

A NASCAR Cup race on a quarter-mile track is, at best, going to be anti-climatic. A half-mile track is brutal enough (though admittedly exciting). But I cannot fathom the wisdom in producing a 1/4 mile push, shove, slam, and infield fighting match.