I bet the sponsors reading this ain’t too thrilled.
I bet the sponsors reading this ain’t too thrilled.
Fix Or Repair Daily.
A chip off the ol’ Scalia block. Clarence was always a Pig. Anita was indeed his victim and the Congress pushed Clarence T. through the system into a position he did/does not deserve. Now we’re finding how true that was. What a mistake it was to give him a ‘pass’ back then.
For every ignorant action — expect an equal (or worse) reaction.
I’m just tired of the LAMIP [Look At Me I’m Special] aspects of all the Letter people, regardless of which side of the fence or color spectrum. Live & let live... but above all... please just shut up.
Because the texture feels like shi*sand in your mouth, and tastes like it’s attempting to ‘taste’ like something. In other words — too far ‘beyond’ meat.
That’s too bad because Tim Allen’s an asshole.
When I was a kid I had to join the NRA in order to receive my first hunting license (1969). In the early 80's, I learned the NRA was no longer about hunting and target shooting — it was purely a commercial entity (though quietly in the background). The NRA shifted toward protecting & supporting gun manufacturers,…
Two major excuses in one match... thigh muscle (which turned out to be a ruse after she took the wrap off her thigh and had no problem running back & forth).
A NASCAR Cup race on a quarter-mile track is, at best, going to be anti-climatic. A half-mile track is brutal enough (though admittedly exciting). But I cannot fathom the wisdom in producing a 1/4 mile push, shove, slam, and infield fighting match.
Opening this article with the crashing incident is an accurate portrayal of Geoff Bodine.... often placing himself in situations where he was in over-his-head.
NASCAR seems to have forgotten what defines “competition”. Apparently their definition of ‘competitive’ means running bumper-to-bumper, side-by-side — with no one machine being superior to (faster than) the other. These cookie-cutter kit cars, in a word, Suck.
Baking soda & vinegar is ineffective when fighting grease-clogged drains.
Firstly... an informed prosecutor would know this is a lawsuit dead-in-the-water from the start.
I heard their product (chickens) comes from China!!
Apparently he’s doing something right... so many whiners pissing & moaning about his on-ice persona! he merely adjusted his old-time hockey sense to (usually) work in today’s pussyworld hockey.
Bloom is now “apologizing” (again) for her filthy deeds.
As an ex-Pat American now living in Netherlands, the two tourists I most hate to see coming into a restaurant are Americans and Brits. The majority are boisterous, loud, obnoxious, rude to wait staff, and yes, even arrogant.
I’m certain the old adage “Never accept rides from strangers” applies here. I definitely do not want my kids calling anonymous Uber drivers with non-existent backgrounds for anything!
Only problem I have with the finals is the late game starts, I am in the Netherlands and have to stay up until sunrise to watch these games. But — I love the smell of The Cup in the morning!!! Go Bruins!!!!!!!!!!!!!