
Opening this article with the crashing incident is an accurate portrayal of Geoff Bodine.... often placing himself in situations where he was in over-his-head.

Elitists like this guy are major contributors to destruction of the environment. Speaking for thousands (at least) we are sick and tired of these bloated mega-yachts causing issues all along the Rhine River — from Ijmuiden to R’dam. Let those shitbuckets take directly to the sea from the boatyards in Ijmuiden.

Seem like a familiar pattern? It is.

Thanks, Alyse, for yet another very cool perspective. Not to mention your always present informative journalism to backup the subject matter.

Too many toys.

NASCAR seems to have forgotten what defines “competition”. Apparently their definition of ‘competitive’ means running bumper-to-bumper, side-by-side — with no one machine being superior to (faster than) the other. These cookie-cutter kit cars, in a word, Suck.

Baking soda & vinegar is ineffective when fighting grease-clogged drains.

Firstly... an informed prosecutor would know this is a lawsuit dead-in-the-water from the start.

I heard their product (chickens) comes from China!!

Apparently this author is deleting any negative response to his bullschittery.

This author is a Tool (and possibly a Shill for the dwindling anti-marijuana faction). BTW: It is not a “wax” but has a similar effect. It is actually petroleum related particles coating the lungs. Until now, scientists claim it is a permanent fixture on the lung tissue.

Apparently he’s doing something right... so many whiners pissing & moaning about his on-ice persona! he merely adjusted his old-time hockey sense to (usually) work in today’s pussyworld hockey.

Bloom is now “apologizing” (again) for her filthy deeds.

As an ex-Pat American now living in Netherlands, the two tourists I most hate to see coming into a restaurant are Americans and Brits. The majority are boisterous, loud, obnoxious, rude to wait staff, and yes, even arrogant.

I’m certain the old adage “Never accept rides from strangers” applies here. I definitely do not want my kids calling anonymous Uber drivers with non-existent backgrounds for anything!

Only problem I have with the finals is the late game starts, I am in the Netherlands and have to stay up until sunrise to watch these games. But — I love the smell of The Cup in the morning!!! Go Bruins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a hockey and Bruins fan since 1961... I can tell you this is nothing new since day one. What sets the best teams apart is when you can overcome all the negative factors in a human sport... rise above it. In the last 2 games, my beloved Bruins have not stepped-up. Heck, with the exceptions of 3 or 4 players, they

It is obviously over the line — but how can every single person so far (including the St. Louis Blues’ NBC commentating fans) not mention the whistle had blown the play dead? The official even said “Play was completed”. He never said the puck did not cross the line, just that play was dead...and it was. Does it not

That incident was merely the worst non-call of the evening. Not to mention, for some strange reason, far too many other non-calls throughout this year’s playoffs in general. The very fact that the NHL saw fit to remove some officials from advancing after the first round does not bode well for NHL Officiating. It tells

As usual in such incidents — BEER is the key factor here.