
As a driver who has had enough of people playing with their phones while also driving... put your fucking thumbs away, pick your heads up, and act like Human Beings.

Don’t blame Burkman...

This Jacob character... he’s very... oh, I don’t know... ‘White’.

Amazing how people remain so willing to over-pay for these things!!

Little girls AND little boys, no doubt. The guy’s a creep... and he got away with it.

Keselowski spent the last two laps banging into the side of Hamlin’s car several times, enough to damage it. Hamlin had a chance to take BK out... but didn’t. Brad may have set himself up to fail in the final stretch to the Cup.

Swift doesn’t need the money.

The dumbass doesn’t even know what a server is. Which, by the way, it is not a simple case of a missing “server”.

Or maybe the “N” word is ‘no cheese’?

How many passes does this guy get?

Thanks for the reminder of Patty’s debut album. Powerful voice, writer with amazing incite. Acoustic Soul.

Exactly!! FIFA must have given him the word -- tere is no doubt they want No-More Neymar’s baby-like stunt last week to go away. I hope it does not go away. I hope this is a wake-up call to FIFA and all soccer associations worldwide. Enough is enough.

Nothing “fantastic” about it. The constant, flagrant spinning and diving is loathsome. FIFA (or the sponsors) need to tell these babies to act like grown men on the field.

Why are people (and media) refusing to acknowledge the power of Croatia?? They are serious contenders... very serious.

I believe you meant ‘Gerbils’??

Baby Piranhas??

Research the folks near his former hideout in Montana (Madison Valley). The poor girls who had the misfortune of walking through those doors of a house built hidden in a low mountain pass, yuck. Plenty of ladies were seen being escorted in and out of that trap.

To some people, life is a game.

Burnouts are stupid... and as we’ve seen this past weekend... an accident waiting to happen.