
My comparison only is DC against Marvel. Green Lantern sucks compared to all 3 movies Marvel made this year

So the 500$ book only then? No faster than light engines ?

This looks like something from the 90s.

This trailer sure has a lot of logos

Those figures look like a 12 yr old girl

The guy who invented margaritas must be one sick fellow...

Zombies coming at you and all you do is stare? Thought you were a trained soldier?

Hmm target consumers for the Harry Potter Fun Weekend getaway

Wait we're not over giant breasts yet

I thought it was pretty dry. Its a hit or miss

So will shaving hair actually make him act better?

Google will win. Employees there have so much free time

I thought Daredevil had his share of mental problems lately?

I agree

Well if you're happy driving a car with a shitty paint job, more power to you.


Isnt there always a grizzled old crackpot talking about legends and crap?

If I was a pre-historic monster, Id be wondering why would I try to eat these smelly tourists who just came by... Who knows where they have been????

I thought it was destroyed by after-game riots....

How hard can it be to paint an entire action figure with 1 color?