
He looks like a crack addict

Arent the Legion a little older by now?

So why are the pictures in B&W ?

Ahh Leifeld and his tiny footed, over-muscled, roaring art... Needs more shoulderpads and belt bags

look around

you sure have a lot of ads for this

These Teen Wolf ads are annoying

It was a great movie. Glad they shook off that crap from the last one.

well not since the 80s

Isnt Johnny Storm dead?

How the heck did this turn into TMZ

Japan thought it was good?

Well its grounded if they use the Egyptian storyline, I do find DC heroes have a bit of a pill to swallow especially when it comes to intergalactic origins...

Hey superman doesn't wear his red underwear anymore...

With DC, everything in the end still looks the same...

I have to agree with you on Sake in beer, lots of people do that here, how do you enjoy 1oz of valuable sake mixed in a mug of beer ?

Im pretty sure they dont have any. All that stuff is already spent in several years of extras in tapes, laserdiscs, cds, dvds and blu-ray that people still kept buying....

The same day I read an article about a 17 year old iPhone modifier decides to settle with Apple after they sued the socks off him... At least MS has heart