
Zombies, not those things.

I assume its just a market for them. Money is money to some.

I think he meant there are more important things to focus on first than just a video game convention.

But RE zombies are slow.... They dont have the fast running ones...

So you're blaming the Kinect for your inability to perform in front of a crowd...

So far I havent heard anything from people who saw it last night. Some of them came in hours early too. Wonder why.....

I kinda wished they brought back Stroker & Hoop

I like the trailer, it was funny but you cant compare him to Bruce Campbell. No memorable comeback lines

Really? Not really my thing

Boy that took a long time for them to post some news on the game. I keep wondering hows the Warhammer 40k MMO doing?

I dont think they're going to follow the comic book origin literally. Makes more sense for him to carry a gun while fighting Nazis in No Man's Land

I dunno , the effects are just amazing, cinematography is great but there seems to be a lack of dialogue. Well I guess we'll just need to wait till the movie comes out.

They used him in the Hellboy movie... No one sued?

I wish they had Ghost Rider 2099....

For someone who is an MMA trainer he sure doesnt look very fit

hmm not in netflix

well in all honesty, Robin spent more time tied up than Wonder Woman


Can there be one RE movie without Milla ? Kinda sick of her already.