
If people think you are a total bitch on tv and found out you're not, that means you're a good actress :)

Why are you all complaining? YOu'll buy them anyway.

Her hair matches her politics.... Bad hair..

I actually have a heightened sense of smell. I can smell soaked diapers 3 feet away...

Looks like a bakery..


Kathy Griffin.... Well at least its not Sarah Silverman

She looks like Rosie

I see the same clothes sold in Flea Markets.. I think they're called 'Vintage' these ays...

Ugly models, ugly clothes...


The knives arent a good idea. Your kids might think those things are toys.

Purple = Joker...

Strange but I dont think 9 year olds can even produce sperm yet.

That toilet picture: Klassy....

Good question: This guy is an A-hole. He looks like a sleazy car salesman, he dresses up like a redneck and he has the sensitivity of a doorknob, why do you girls still give him a lot of attention? There are so many good men out there and you all sound like this is the only guy left after the apocalypse...

its all an act.

@cabber: Ummm you sure need to lay off the coffee

Leave Angelina Alone!!!!!!

Thats a dude right?