
I mean...I'm not defending the kid's actions here, but persistence pays off. Plenty of stories my "wife/husband hated me when we first met," type of shit. I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but how many heterosexual men are here? There's fine lines here...but, happy relationships do happen after a million

And once again they miss the entire point of #GamerGate. It is not a group that has a head honcho. It isn't a gang. It's a collection of consumers revolting against so called 'game journalist' that have been working together to screw over both developers and consumers so that they can perpuate their own agenda and

Yea cuz the FBI should waste time on policing people saying mean stuff on the inter-webs. While they are busy arresting 12 year old internet trolls, ACTUAL treats to society remain at large.

Sorry but your hurt feels on the internet does not warrant a Federal response, only legitimate threats on your life do. If you

I'm all for this call, because assuming that the FBI could comb through that much data and then find all those people who made threats and then sort them out into categories and affiliations. They would then have to find local law enforcement to cite those individuals, or arrest them depending on the severity of the

And I'm sure that investigation will include looking into some pretty horrifying threats and messages sent to women and transgender persons who have openly supported Gamergate.

FBI involvement would be fantastic for #gamergate. Finally, our opponents won't be able to rely on a co-opted media to turn a blind eye to their campaign of slander and hate. There are no greater supporters of this idea than Gamergater's.

Now playing

What about threats against supporters of ethics in games journalism? Do they matter?

Did you guys miss the part where the FBI was already investigating GamerGate?

An intriguing thing that some readers might find interesting: over at the GamerGate discussion forums on Reddit, which are public, this article was linked - and every single person commenting is cheering the idea of FBI investigation on. No word of a lie, they really want this to happen. Not because they want to be

Leader of GamerGate here. I would love the FBI to investigate and be very public about the results of their investigation. This will be the biggest victory for GamerGate and will end this whole debacle fairly quickly. I'm not being sarcastic here.

As The Leader, I would like to extend my dearest thanks to shit media

It's not a one sided issue. As soon as someone on the gamergate side is arrested for threats, the same is going to happen on the anti side. People on both sides have been hurt, and all the radicals in the world won't change the fact that the majority of both just wants a solution.

This article is insane as per usual Jezebel clickbait.

Cool. So when is the FBI going to make Tumblr and the feminists on there a priority too? Because I've gotten harassed on there by feminists. Quite a few death threats too. Oh, what's that? Double standard?

The founding fathers would ask..."So you want us to make bullying illegal? How old are you? Freedom of speech is infinitely more important than your feelings."

It'd be easier to take these sorts of claims seriously if people who crusade against "online threats" managed to show they're capable of distinguishing actual threats from comments made in poor taste.

Your safety is not considered lower priority because you are a woman. That is ludicrous conspiracy theory stuff.

All female movie. Dumb.

Whatever you do, don't cross the teams.

Sorry not sorry.

Too late. The female cast isn't appealing to the core audience.

The opening weekend box office numbers will be VERY telling. Sorry, ladies.