
Have you actually won yet? I find it super hard so I am far from done with it.

"When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning." - Reiner Knizia

That's how I feel about it anyway. I try my hardest to win, count everything up, then forget about it and move onto the next game. By the end of a day of board gaming I couldn't tell you how many wins I had

Yeah, you should make sure you have a good understanding of all the interconnected systems in a game before you start house ruleing. Then I would suggest you just change one at a time and see how it impacts all the systems before changing any more.

That said, the thing they house ruled seems fair, games where you can

"7 Wonders is a great example of this. A new player will get their asses handed to them for the first few games"

Only if you are playing with a bad teacher who doesn't explain that science is OP if you don't keep an eye on it and let someone dominate it. I always tell noobs about this, and they come out doing about as

From the Penny Arcade board (card really) game:

But the Wii U pad has a greater resolution than a DS so that logic doesn't really check out.


There is over multiple titles. Same as with any individual outlet.

Sure but you still end up with an average, and the average across multiple games will still be calibrated about the same because it will still be using pretty much the same reviewers.

I see it the other way around, the fact that everyone is using different scales is exactly why it's useful. One guy might be rating how much fruit and veg factors into the game, another guy is rating how many homosexual relationships are in the game, overall you still get a base line of how well the game does whatever

Sentence any?

From the news post that goes with the comic:

Exactly. It sounds good to me. It sounds like a silly cartoon. That's what I would expect.

Yup! Geese in a van that's being weighed. Smacking the side doesn't change the weight.

This means that this film’s action scenes—of which there are plenty—are nauseating at best. Every second you see a new camera angle at a new level of zoom before it jumps to a completely different one. You get no sense of the action taking place and the techniques are so overused they lose their impact altogether.

I changed a word, so no.

"Sorry, but parents shouldn't be planning their lives around their kids' hobbies."

Is this a statement you would make? Why/why not?

Why do your feelings come into this at all? The letter is what it is.

Get over it, they have free will. If they aren't respecting you then leave them.

I can tell that you know nothing about game design and programming.
You sound overly entitled. It's not as easy as you think. I back up the challenge of the other commenter.