Yup! Geese in a van that's being weighed. Smacking the side doesn't change the weight.
Yup! Geese in a van that's being weighed. Smacking the side doesn't change the weight.
This means that this film’s action scenes—of which there are plenty—are nauseating at best. Every second you see a new camera angle at a new level of zoom before it jumps to a completely different one. You get no sense of the action taking place and the techniques are so overused they lose their impact altogether.…
I changed a word, so no.
"Sorry, but parents shouldn't be planning their lives around their kids' hobbies."
Is this a statement you would make? Why/why not?
Why do your feelings come into this at all? The letter is what it is.
Get over it, they have free will. If they aren't respecting you then leave them.
I can tell that you know nothing about game design and programming.
You sound overly entitled. It's not as easy as you think. I back up the challenge of the other commenter.
Any sort of reasoning behind that at all or is that the lot?
Oh yeah? How far did you get?
The quotes were added later after it was pointed it this (while decently impressive), isn't actually of biblical miracle levels.
Let go man! It's not worth it. What about that nice Reddit girl you were talking about? She seemed really nice!
I hadn't considered till your post that it isn't just the plank they are currently on that's keeping him up, but all the neighboring ones too.
Now I need some wood, rope, and "a small limber child". In the name of science of course.
Yeah, I didn't phrase very well. I more meant that it looked like it relied much more on persistence than it did on fitness or skill.
I'm the "everything must have cheese" kind of vegetarian so I would drop like a stone. ;)
Perhaps, but balance is a pretty intuitive thing, you don't really have to think about it. Your body would learn and remember what sort of posture, speed, gait etc you would need to a certain extent I think. You are sort of getting feedback from your inner ear and responding to it in real time, mostly unconsciously.
Oh crap, I never noticed the pun in your reply post. Now I'm green with envy!
It's a fair point, I guess what I meant is it looks like you don't have to be especially athletic or skillful, just persistent.
I would love to give it a go too. Not if I have to shave my head though.
Well I was just being linguistically silly, but you are probably right. People float on their backs in the Dead Sea because it is so full of salt, so I'm sure you could walk on plankton if it was thick enough.
You think a lot of people HAVE tried this already?! I haven't tried it. Have you? Has anyone you know? It's just like half of the stuff in the Guinness Book of Records; come up with some obscure activity, then practice at it till you are the best at something with no practical purpose.
It's not gaming related, it's not…
Which is exactly the point. You wouldn't have read it. Eyeballs = $'s.