
You are projecting a lot of stuff he never said. There is no 'tone', this is the internet. Try to just read what is actually written, and not paint people with negativity in your own head until you are sure. It can be destructive to assume negatively like that.

Sounds like it could be a network thing to me. If they and other people on here with lots of decapitations have not seen it, could it not be the 'dead' is getting sent and the 'decapitated' is not for those other folks?

Perhaps he was just trying to be a data point? I don't see him denying the existence of a bug.

Well said Leo. I see what you did there! Works on many levels!

Now playing

Hey, have you seen this video? I thought it was well explained.

Now playing

The StopGamerGate2014 hashtag has seen a great deal of momentum on Twitter, with around 50,000 new tweets since last night according to analytics site Topsy. (#GamerGate has had over 100,000 tweets in the past day. Of course, due to the nature of Twitter hashtags, it's unclear how many of these tweets are criticizing

I don't see how a woman getting raped and then stoned to death is "the threat of violence". It's just violence and then more violence. A thing happening and a thing being described aren't the same at all. It's qualitatively different.

The shire of Ing-Land, good sir!
I might as well just link you to the thing at this point. No biggie, just gotta change my whole identity now. ;)

I will check out that Walking Dead table.
I have only seen tables outside of that event occasionally, and I don't think ever more

It's qualitatively different, not quantitatively. What are the similarities exactly? Men being bad to women? Isn't that everything?

There is the bit in the video where the womans boobs take a life of their own. If it wasn't misogynistic, it was certainly disturbing.

Isn't she cosplaying a stay at home mum? I mean... it looks like really ordinary clothes to me. Her bag is hanging in front I guess...?

But mirrors DO work 1:1. Yours is too distorted for the metaphor.

Come on man, those kids are like 6 at most! Why has someone always got to rain on the parade? Can't you just enjoy the pics like everyone else? It doesn't have to be perfect! Jesus!

I heard a similar Wonder Woman joke when I was a child but the punchline was anal sex.


Erm, it's like $24 for one day or $40 for both days. I think it's 10-5 and I would say there are 30-40 retro arcade machines and 30-40 pinball tables (including 1 or 2 exclusive new ones usually). There are also a bunch of weird early 80's consoles and other random geek con type stuff, merch, cosplay and the like.

There is an event where I live where you pay to get in then play pinball and retro arcade machines all day. It's on once a year for 2 days (I go both days). That's my exposure to pinball. You might want to see if there is anything like that near you so you can get in some IRL pinball times on the cheap. I love it, but

Considering this board is called "cosplay" you are unlikely to get many people agreeing with you here.

Don't get me wrong, I like the real pinball tables too. I just don't subscribe to the purist point of view. I genuinely want him to answer though (ie not being snarky) because I would like to know where he is coming from.