Big Joe



Please watch my video next week for a snippy linguistic assessment of H’aanit’s dialogue :-D

It *absolutely* scales. I’m about 25 hours in, myself. I played all of the prologues separately (like an idiot (please: don’t do it that way)) and then started a real game, and yeah, the boss of one character’s prologue is definitely twice as hard with two party members, three times as hard with three party members,

My husband was commenting on this while playing the demo, and it really made me wish the structure of the game was a bit more like another Square classic: Seiken Densetsu 3. You could choose your entire party and their stories would overlap. Some were obviously built to work off of each other (Hawk/Lise, for

I was wondering about this from the demo. I’ve recruited two characters, and it was a little weird that during the second character’s intro the first character was just there as an extra combat hand.

Yes, it’s a tough dilemma, but something like SaGa Frontier handled structure way better. That game was also divided into different stories for each character (7 instead of 8) but instead of having to bounce between sections of each character’s story, you’d play one at a time. And each character had their own specific

After being pestered by everyone I know to play the Witcher 3, I finally gave in and started it.

It’s because millennials don’t have Saturday morning cartoons.  You can’t eat cereal without cartoons.  

As a millenial, I eat cereal whenever the fuck I want. LIKE RIGHT NOW *CRONCH* >:I

Emily is the single greatest character in this game, hands down. I loved her from the start tbh, and she only got better

My favorite scene by far!

I play game now. Hilarious.

Oh my god I want a moving gif of that.

That was by far my favorite scene of the entire game!

OMG. That is the best.

GODDAMN! That slap had force.

Now playing

But if you kill her you miss one of the game’s highest highlights!

I’m still wondering how they handle the trailer for Avengers 4.