Big Joe

It’s because this isn’t the whole story. Following the request for Tales of Vesperia, the BanNamEU twitter actually said “Not that one.” The poster of the request (@Baffan) actually was the one who came back 3 years later when Vesperia was announced yesterday to say “Yes, that one.” It was only after @Baffan made that

Supposedly all those extra lines were dubbed by the original voice actors way back when in preparation of the PS3 release, but then it never happened. If those are still lying around they might not have to bother getting them back.

Well, kudos to the staff who maintain the twitter account, that is one hell of a long follow up.

Raise your hands fellow anti-social people who will play Fallout 76 entirely by themselves.

Reading all the comments bemoaning the Destiny-ness and I’m just sitting over here, a Destiny fan, laughing myself silly with excitement.

“Git gud noob”

They said next gen but I think they just meant the next generation of Bethesda single player games. Probably referencing some technical differentiator like a new engine or something.

I like space. Color me intrigued.

alright, so who’s up for a New Vegas reinstall?

So it’s an MMO? Was Destiny really that fucking fabulous? I mean I have read nothing but bitching and moaning about that game for literally years now, but everyone needs to make a clone FFS? How much money does Cyberpunk have to make to get these fuckers to make a couple more games like CD Project Red?

For everyone asking about platform.


So it’s the love child of Tenchu and Bloodborne?

Yes, and frankly, I thought the episode where we saw the creation of White Walkers— and met one of the Children of the Forest— was very much an example of that. It didn’t help that the Child of the Forest looked like an extra from Cats. Funny thing is that no one talked about those scenes much, because the same

The broad audience appeal of GoT was largely down to its political tension, and the nudity. The fantasy backdrop was just there as a setting for the politics.

That’s the one prequel idea I didn’t see coming. It’s an odd choice, picking Westeros’ magical Bronze Age over other possibilities (I would have thought they’d go for some Targaryen drama, but maybe the dragons were too expensive to have regularly in CGI).

I actually think this project sounds interesting because it avoids the mistake of just repeating the same thing again (as the suggested Dance of Dragons series would have done). The best spin-offs I think are the ones that completely did a 180 from the original series (so Frasier is a tightly-focused sitcom instead of

My one nitpick here is that we already have a story about a White Walker invasion.

DG + FM = NK!