Big Joe

I mean, Danny Rand being a casualty of Thanos wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

It was supposed to. It was only the first act. Season 2 (being twice as long) is due to cover the second and third acts.

Instead of another full run of Defenders, I think we’ll see more crossover between the individual shows. Luke + Danny, Colleen + Misty, Jessica + Matt (please?). All these pairings were hinted at in Defenders and don’t need the full four together to work.

Hey, Marvel:

I came for the Fist, but stayed for the Colleen.

Danny’s portrayal, in that grounded corner of the MCU, makes sense.

We haven’t even gotten the second season and they greenlight the third? I mean it’s a double edge here... I’m happy we’ll get more, but can we get the second season first?

I agree, there is no argument that the fight scenes couldn’t have been improved.

I argued the choices they made, make sense. And that Danny’s portrayal, in that grounded corner of the MCU, makes sense.

He also promised Iron Fist fans will be “very happy with Season 2 coming this year,”

Mother of god....

....can we get the second season of Castlevania, please?

Back in my day kids had to catch ‘em all. Now they can just go up to a machine and buy ‘em all.

I’ve been using Steam for damn near 8 years and I think I’ve looked at sale pages other than the front-page maybe twice ever. If I didn’t see all the stories like this about how chock-a-block Steam is with toxic, hateful garbage, I’d never know any of it was there. Am I alone in this?

Would a game like Postal 2 fit within your line? A game that many found humorous, and equally many found distasteful and offensive. Point is, your views and lines are different than other people’s. I honestly think that this is better for the future of Steam, because many games like the before mentioned school shooter

Almost no one. For years and year writers have been complaining about it and I have never talked to any regular Joe that uses it the way these writers do.

I browse through the store fairly regularly (I wanna say twice a month). So I suppose yes we do exist?

Why are you against this? Why do you like censorship so much?

I bet Valve is also seeing what’s coming down the pipeline. By policing content, the big “platforms” like Twitter are now changing into publishers. (or at least you can now start arguing this in courts.) PragerU vs. Google’s Judge’s decision alluded to this.

Valve wants no part of the incoming “you published this on

I hate and have very little respect for horror movies...but damn, that looks good.