Big Joe

Leave my 3DS behind? I’d sooner leave my left hand behind. My backlog (especially if you consider DS games as well) is HUGE. I could completely reasonably not buy another game for FIVE YEARS and be perfectly fine.

I honestly thought 2017 would be the final year for my 3DS...until Nintendo announced Captain Toad and Luigi’s Mansion remakes.

Im actually buying a 2ds xl today. I figured it was time and theres a ton of rpgs i wanna play.

That crackle. Everytime it makes me feel like I am breaking my console. :(

BigFrog T-Shirts check their webpage and see if there is a store near you. I have one near me in Wesley Chapel Florida. I think they are all over though.

1. no
2. the warning in this case was the dev putting a chip on their shoulder to dare anyone into getting into a fight about it
3. “triggered” is a really tacky meme that undermines the lives of PTSD sufferers and abuse victims, please knock it off

Nice let’s see if it works for me and Hearthstone.

300 tattoos on my balls

It’s definitely not as dark, but Thor: Ragnarok gets plenty weird after it spends the first act closing every connection it could find to the larger MCU before launching into a Flash Gordon fever dream

It must’ve been a ride at the circus!!!

I’ve preferred Batman Returns to Batman for my entire life (or, you know, since I saw them in middle school). It’s just so much more confident. And crazy. And silly. And fun.

You know it!

300 of those novelty cakes where they print an edible picture on it

300 Valentines Day cards

On the other hand, your comment contains multitudes of honest reflection and self awareness. Truly, you are an enigma.

You seem angry. You’d better fill out the form just to be sure.

Meh, I have no ability to be honest with myself. I’d finish the round, walk over to my chart and write a few sentences that absolve me of all blame and then justify all my ill-will towards every other human on the planet.

If you feel like you need to fill out a 30 point form to process the emotion of losing an Overwatch match, I suggest you get yourself evaluated by a licensed psychiatrist before something actually upsetting happens in your life.

When I read “Mood Log”, I pictured something like this: