Big Joe

There is some history here—in EVERY Stefon sketch, someone pranks him with a cue card and drops a line in there that wasn’t planned, rehearsed or known about. Hader got popped with it every single time...and had to deliver the line. That’s why he always breaks doing Stefon, because the cast or writers are messing with

You’re forgetting the most important invention in the history of video game drinking: the Emergency Induction Port!

All along it was Jimmy who wanted his hair tousled.

Exactly. They don’t let Hader read the Stefon skit ahead of time, so he’s reading it for the first time on the prompter.

Now playing

I don’t know anyone who hated Fallon for breaking. I do know a shitload of people who hated him for constantly and pretty obviously faking it because he figured out that the audience found it endearing when someone lost it. Nothing about it looked natural when he did it. He even sometimes would look directly into the

See! Star-Lord was right! Luke should have left the planning to him!

Luke: “Okay. Plan A- Lando, go get him.”
(A few weeks pass.)
Luke: “Okay, plan B: Droids, go get Lando.”
(A few days pass.)
Luke: “(sigh) Plan C: Leia, Chewie, go get the droids.”
(The next day.)
Luke: “(prolonged sigh) Fine, I’ll do it myself.”

I’m pretty sure they got the Underpants Gnomes from South Park to plan out Hans rescue.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I’m playing through some SNES classics and recently finished Secret of Mana and Super Metroid. Both are primarily about accruing better weaponry and abilities, but the actual action of receiving said improvement is vastly different.

While reading this article I was trying to remember back to past Zelda titles and how chests were handled. Perhaps I am misremembering but I seem to recall that it used to be something like this:

*Inventory full. Manage inventory for 20 minutes to clear up space for new weapon mod. Play game for 10 minutes... Inventory full...*

Counterpoint: if you have small children, every Korok seed is a chance for them to make adorable Korok noises and/or life affirmingly congratulate you for finding another piece of what is so clearly plant monster poop.

And then there was Skyward Sword, where you got the item description during each play session.

Twilight Princess.

The fact that you have to stop moving to pick up resources in Horizon Zero Dawn drove me up a wall. Sure, it’s only half a second, but it’s half a second every 3 feet. It made me wish I was playing Zelda Breath of the Wild where you can just mash A to pick up a bunch of crap as you walk over it.

This was something that really got to me in Rise of the Tomb Raider, every time I completed a tomb it was the same animation, the same visual content on every tablet she uncovered... I enjoyed the game but that just felt lazy and made the tombs, arguably something that should be important in a game called “Tomb

I petition to use this controller instead:

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

really? ant-man. I thought Ant-Man was great.