Big Joe

I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

Also, “Crunchy-sock Twitter”

Seriously. We should all be thanking these dudes (and the dolls’ creators) for removing themselves from the dating pool. No need for any woman to waste ANY amount of time - minutes or years - with these fools who clearly have no interest in anyone but themselves.

I wouldn’t call a Black Cat in the mid or late 20s “much older” from Peters POV, but I guess that is just my experience. And yes, they had a flirt in the main continuity from time to time. She was more interested in Spider-Man than Peter though. By the way, Black Cat was older than Peter in the Ultimate Spider-Man.

No, I disagree.  I know the MCU timeline is wonky, but Captain Marvel is set in the 90s, correct? That would make Maria Hill a teenager at most assuming her age is the same as Cobie Smulders (b. 1982).

Dangit! Take your star you beautiful person

I honestly lost the ability to detect sarcasm.

And also, it’s going to put off the Norwegians.

Yeah, we can have people reckless treating people. What if his patients are on Medicaid?

Don’t know about you folks, but I feel safer with this menace off the streets.

Pro-tip to the fucknuts at ICE: Picking up a 40+ year old white doctor with two decades-old legal dings is not going to make you look any less racist and is definitely not making you look like you’re out there rounding up ‘bad hombres’.

We know clothes don’t go.


Bay has been ever since the 90s and Trevorrow is on his way. They are superstars just as much as Justin Bieber.

I thought that’s what the Caretakers were for. You know, to take care of things.

So many possibilities for lubricant jokes.

The same nudist colony Obi Wan and Yoda went to...

EVERYTHING is about Mimi’s boobs.