Big Joe

My first time playing Destiny I was looking at a box and wondering out loud if it was special. It looked special! It was so shiny. My brother told me I had to shoot it. It exploded. I died. Lolz were had. 

I actually... Kinda love this video. But I love Reggie and I’m a sucker for random crazy nonsense. Buuuut I also know this ad is a lie and I don’t plan on buying it unless, (and this is a big maybe even if they do it) it becomes subscription based or just a platform to rent games.

Interesting! I had some serious Growlanser vibes. 

My first thought was Ryu just because it has to be Ryu it's always Ryu. But that looks nothing like Ryu.

This what truly blows my mind. Gamefly, Redbox, fucking Blockbuster... game rentals. Stadia is like the perfect game RENTAL service! I'm so confounded by this system. 

The thing I'm most excited about is that this might be the thing that kills "modern" gaming for me. I'm not interested is streaming my games so I can just play games on my backlog for the rest of my life!

I'm pretty glad I never played Half Life! I don't have to give any shits! 

Well Robotnik is always kidnapping all the animals so he's basically Ace's evil twin at this point. They should do a team up where Sonic hires Ace to help him find all the wilderness animals. 

I'm so sad that Blizzard has changed the way it has. Part of me really wants to say fuck them and boycott but I fucking love Diablo so much. 

A lifetime ban is overdoing it imo, for anyone. But how do they enforce it? Can't he just make more accounts? It seems like this hurts content creators more since anyone can watch their videos and drop the ban hammer. Dunno why I care anyway Fortnite is dumb and so is this kid. 

I don't play or give any shits about Fortnite but that doesn't mean it hasn't and is not still making an impact.

After reading this, I now really want to buy Thumper. And play it high.

You're argument means nothing. Some people want to not have to be connected to play. Also, Ps4 users can play D3 offline, so there's a chance we'll get offline mode for 4. /shrug

I fkn love Diablo 3 and really liked the look. But I am also excited for D4 while also being pissed at Blizz. Do I care enough to not buy it?! 

I've soloed LK lots of times. We've been leveling up while he's been sitting on his ass. 

Nioh is easier. Especially with the matchmaking system. You can pull people of all levels sometimes to help out and they’ll just fuck shit up for you. So if you have a rly hard time there’s that. And you can respec your character mostly painlessly to try different stuff out. AND there are completely broken

7 is a pretty amazing game!

Diablo 4? Wtf it hasn't even been ten years. 


Yeah man. Fuck. I was gonna wait on Outer Worlds because I have so many gd games to play but now I feel like I need to get it asap. For the supports.