
I had completely forgotten about this gem!

Pissy teen Die Hard 4 Tim or Santa Clarita Diet sweet but borderline creepy Tim?

Even Ted Danson?!

I watched the OG movie with a friend who hadn't read the comic and he was much more confused than I was.

Who would you pick as Ozymandias?

I feel the same way.

Hmm… Come to think of it, I do enjoy watching people suffer and I cackle more than I laugh.
You might be on to something!


I haven't watched it, tried the first few eps and I just couldn't be bothered. Found it to be excruciatingly boring.


No no no DC! That's not how the game works!

Shinier than yours, meatbag.


I just don't understand how it's still legal. If what Leah Remini and Going Clear are saying is true. Then holy shit is it scary!

Haven't watched it though it is on my to do list.

Okay okay I've heard SOME good things about it!

I hear great things about Sneaky Pete, but I'm kind of on the fence because of Ribisi being a Scientologist. Is the show worth it?

I was hoping for more racism.

She needs to be kept far away from life!

Naa, I quit in the beginning of season 5. At that point the show made no sense anymore.