

Unfuortunately it's the same deal here in Denmark, many of those wacky muslims don't feel comfortable hanging around people whose culture and religion (or lack thereof) is so vastly different.

He was sitting in a bus during the NYC fight, reading the doors of perception.

Bus. Reading the doors of perception.

Flæskesteg! Errday!

McDonald's? Fatso haven.

Cilantro on a hotdog?!?!? Sacrilege!

It seems so,

"but we should be clear that what this man did was dangerous and illegal vandalism and he should not be praised for it in any way."

Me personally or the Danes in general?

Go back and smack her in the face!
That is NOT how we do it. It's not even normal to have hotdogs and potato salad together.
Regular grilled dogs with potato salad on those warm summer evenings though, that's normal.

The largest, strongest thighs you ever saw!

Yeah that sounds like poor student thing. Also, insanely boring! No pasta or rice?

At least it sounds funny!

Interesting. Was it like a pretzel or slicable bread?

What kind of bread is that?

These psycopaths eat hotdogs with a shrimp salad!

Can't go wrong with pork and apple. It's SO good!

I assume we start burning women at the stake again?

"Hell, do more seasons by making them shorter"