

And we as fans react to these slap dash episodes with yawns.
Angry yawns!

This episode is a turning point for me, I can't even be bothered to finish it! The Simpsons is just not good anymore!
It also doesn't help having a Burns heavy episode when Shearer is so clearly tired of the character.
Maybe this was just lazy writing, but Schumer as Burns' mom was terrible, no old timey speak.

Their 27 forever what?

Now THAT would be a fantastic crossover!

It should set off everyone because it's some primo bullshit.

Whilst looking DIRECTLY at the camera!

"used to be a cool white male rock star"

She's 46 years old!!

They wash it! They wash it!

Straight up celeb names? Can't they get sued for that?

It's awesome but I wish they hadn't cut to Brian before using the fake names. Just to further confuse.

Obviously not! It's your classic cry for attention!

Not for me :'(

And stop calling me!

Hey hey hey! Some of us white idiots are pretty sweet when you get to know us.

Which just makes her even worse!
She's not even rascally evil.

You into leather jackets thrown over bicycles too?!

Cavill isn't doing much to help that though.

Oh yeah, I saw those! Why were they on the cover Time though?