Woah. What? Just about every white person is looking for a reason to use the n-word? Come on, man.
Woah. What? Just about every white person is looking for a reason to use the n-word? Come on, man.
I think it’s pretty irresponsible to speculate, especially about somebody like Hughes who’s dead and can’t defend himself.
Women have been sports reporters since before Newton was born. This woman regularly covers his team. The idea that she is the very first female reporter who has ever asked him a question is... funny. You are very funny.
That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.
Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?
I bet the (currently) 58 people dead are stoked that their deaths are being used as fodder for AVClub to ridicule Trump’s speech.
“The words “domestic terrorist” were not invoked.”
I look at this shit show of a website to get my laughs at the blatant racism posted daily (mostly by that scum bag Michael Harriot). I legitimately thought, “hmm an article about the shooting? How will they spin it against white people?” I was kinda joking...but here we are. Fuck you for making this tragedy about…
Ah, wishing death on those who disagree with you politically. There’s that famed liberal tolerance for you. So much for your constant push for “diversity”.
Sounds like a question for Mike Judge.
“welcoming to fans of all political stripes and persuasions.”
So the next obvious choice was Jared Leto? Jesus.
His comment about Clint Eastwood reminds me of that story from the making of Bronco Billy; there’s a scene where the car is overheating and steam is coming out from under the hood as it pulls into a gas station. First take, there isn’t enough dry ice, so you can’t see the “smoke”. Second take, still not enough, so…
Sounds like a very Redford thing to say. My recollection of his past interviews is that he isn’t big on labels. He would much rather be judged by what he does.
Terrell Suggs’ expression screams, “This n—- over here. Also I beat my wife multiple times and no one cares because I’m not washed up. Sorry Lil’ Ray.”
In the pantheon of great but deeply underappreciated character actors, John Carroll Lynch surely ranks near the top. Few actors are able to make such memorable impressions with often only a handful of scenes.
First, how is this a corporate line if this is from their employees, the players. Second, isn’t the sentence above touching on the exact reason that Kaepernick started his protest.
“Kneeling is good, it’s drawing attention to a cause”
That you just threw out that you made a conscious decision to go to Hooters like it is no big deal is what frightens me the most about your comment.
I had no idea that the people who spied on and harassed MLK still worked for the FBI.