‘83 was before Worthy and that was a great Sixers team (“fo, fo, fo”). Chuck Nevitt was not only *not* on that roster, he was on the championship Lakers team that beat the Celtics.
‘83 was before Worthy and that was a great Sixers team (“fo, fo, fo”). Chuck Nevitt was not only *not* on that roster, he was on the championship Lakers team that beat the Celtics.
Can you imagine Kevin Durant having to bring the ball up with Dennis Rodman hanging all over him?
There were also no switch-hitters in baseball until 2005.
Kenny Stills kneeled, said he may do it again this year, and the Dolphins gave him a fat contract. And he ins’t that great. Kap is a mediocre talent at his position.
How is this different than a typical NBA fan? Look at the jersey sales.
“I actually want the Warriors to sweep the series. Not a Warriors fan - just want to see a perfect post-season,”
Because the people saying this is the finals with the most-talent ever(!) are dominating the conversation.
Have you seen how they pick on Tim Tebow around here?
Then we wouldn’t have Sherman’s cry-face to enjoy for years to come.
Buddy Ryan cultivated this kind of behavior. He was a jerk.
The morning they announced the split said it all. Golic acted like Greenie was a random teammate that was traded mid-season and he was looking fwd to the new teammates joining him. Ouch.
Yaz’s stats, for instance, dwarf Jeter’s...but no one in NY thinks they’re even on the same level as hitters.
The gold gloves were a joke — especially that last one — the “spectacular” plays were always a result of his lack of range at SS.
He was always the best at standing on the first step in the dugout, the camera capturing a perfect shot of his mug whenever he wanted/needed it. That’s what great captains do.
My sister went to his classes. When we’d pick her up, I always looked for the kids from that commercial. Never saw them, so I assumed they were out somewhere beating up bad guys.
His story about Abe Pollin chatting with him after Nils sent in the song is very funny. “Who are the ladies singing background vocals?”
His voice is sweet salve to cure the hokey sphhhhportsssshhhguy intro from David Lloyd we had to endure.
So the fans should stand and cheer opposing teams all season long? Okay?
He struck out in the first inning tho?
Uh, look at the entire at-bat. He missed him once...then finally hit him.