
xXx truly does encapsulate an era of marketing-driven 'cool'. The DVD case practically drips Surge.

I'd say Passion is more 'art film' than 'foreign language' in the sense that the latter (as mentioned) suggests the movie originated from another culture. But honestly all the terms we're applying are frustrating ('world cinema', etc), in part because we're having this conversation because American multiplexes don't

It ain't exactly clearing a high bar, but it does it better than any in the series before it.

I did not like the first movie much and loved this!

I don't get the 'meh' reviews - for me, this was hands-down the most emotionally resonant Marvel movie. Even moreso than Logan.

I'd also say 'The Spirit' is the worst movie I've ever seen in the theater. It's an unpleasant, incoherent attempt to imitate Sin City.

I would have been happier if it kept a lot of the 'legacy of subsequent explorers' aspect, exploring as much how Fawcett was both a product of his colonial time and inspires others to take their own variations on his his variation of the jungle quest. But there were a lot of ways this could have been adapted, and Gray

I like IV's criticism a lot, but I didn't like this movie that much. I read a lot of it the same way he did, but I just didn't think it did much with its ideas rather than collect them, display them, and expect a pat on the back for it. I guess what he (and a lot of other critics) saw as elegant I thought was somewhat

Question for someone with more knowledge than me: has Alex Jones ever been sued for libel and/ or defamation of character? And if not, why not? Isn't the point of those laws so there's a recourse if someone just makes up a bunch of shit about you - and say, someone who believes it storms into your pizzeria with a

Not only that, but they translated every episode and re-made the entire original series in Russian.

The new 4K restoration of See Spot Run they paired it with was also magnificent.

Are they still making movies like this - 92 minutes of fart jokes and stereotypes, you know, for kids? I assume something like the recent, highly successful Boss Baby has a bit more taste and awareness despite looking lazily-made.

But few shows have been able to maintain their 'peak' for more than a few seasons. I like that when Archer saw it was repeating itself, it chose to experiment.

As someone new to Solnit's writing (aside from 'mansplaining' and its various subsequent mutations), would this book be a similar collection of 'tells it like it is' kind of musings, well-written, but that you're not expected to engage with so much as either murmur assent to or move on?

…and that was when I realized I neither understood nor cared about contemporary Western culture anymore.

I suppose what I mean is: think of how many cheap foam monster costumes $120 million could buy. That's a movie I'd watch.

Who the heck watched Power Rangers and thought, 'I like this unique concept, but it's hamstrung by a lack of budget!' ?

To be fair, "man-child in the midst of a downward spiral" seems like it could also apply to Murray.

'Not showing 30 minutes of trailers and/or advertising the actual start of the damn movie itself' would be an innovation I'd welcome.

Kind of like Too Many Cooks?