Marty Funkhouser
Marty Funkhouser
Drederick Tatum
Doof Warrior!
I love how the characters with ridiculous last names get agressively normal first names - Dr. Richard Impossible, Byron Orpheus, etc.
The ending reminded me a lot of Yorgos Lanthimos's films Dogtooth and The Lobster, where it lingers on a shot for a long time and you keep waiting for something to happen, but instead the credits just roll.
Mine's just staring at me. His bullshit detector works, I guess.
I thoroughly enjoyed Before the Fall. The opening sequence is probably the best part, but it's compelling throughout and a nice cultural/media critique and I really liked the ending.
Do you play on PS4, by any chance? I've just been playing with strangers but I'm sure it would be more fun with a pre-set group.
Nobody talks about liner notes anymore in this digital age, but Pearl Jam always did a great job in this department. This one was especially cool, with the lyrics coming on little polaroid-type cards. And if I remember correctly, you only got 8 songs or so, which made it something for collectors to obsess over.
I never got that into it, but "Aeroplane" is definitely one of their best rockers and "My Friends" is one of their top ballads.
I'm literally watching that as I read these comments
The only favorite of mine that hasn't been mentioned on at least one list already: "You Are" from Riot Act.
It would be tough to do well live, since they obviously can't do the triple-layered EV vocals, but it sounds incredible on headphones.
The second half of that song conveys so much emotion without any actual words, which is really an incredible feat.
So happy to see all the love for Hail, Hail and Red Mosquito from everyone.
I like I Am Mine, but it feels like it's really building up to something and then just…ends.
I love that breakdown / rebuild section towards the end
Is anyone else checking out the Nioh demo? I found it pretty opaque and difficult, but that's probably to be expected with a Dark Souls/Bloodborne…let's call it "homage."
Thirded. It's one of the few games that actually contextualizes all the violence and makes you really think about your actions.
I'm not familiar with it since I don't have an Xbox, but it looks wonderful so I'll keep an eye out for it on the next Steam sale