That Crazy One

While I’m not a fan of Hulu, I may need to suck it up and deal with them long enough to watch this. I’m halfway through the book at present, which I love, even if it’s left me utterly shaken thus far.

Bourbon it is! *shares the wealth until nobody can feel feelings anymore*

*grabs Bayonetta and hides under the couch* Hisssssssssssssssss......

I accidentally read the quoted parts; what booze pairs best with about.... *counts* ..... twenty seven Ambien?

Watching the alt-Reich turn on themselves has been an unexpected bright side, albeit a small one. I won’t lie; I cackled for about an hour.

If they’re willing to fly me there, I’ll happily volunteer. Hell, I’ll bring snacks! Being Texan kind of just wrecks your psychological state in.... ways.

How about repeal and incinerate the GOP?

I’mma just go ahead and read ‘looks like an utter failure’ as ‘is an utter failure’.

At this point, I should just buy the value bucket of bullets instead of trying to calculate how much I’ll need to rectify this political situation, huh...

I may have just scared the neighbors with the high-pitched squee’ing sound I just made.

I feel you. I apologize for Texas on an hourly schedule.

why would yOU NOT WARN ME WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THAT!! *hisses and crawls under the couch*

Something tells me that ‘thought’ has absolutely nothing to do with it. That man is clearly a fuckwit and should be bricked upside the head, as is proper. *sage nod*

If the Kevin I know ever even thought of doing something that stupid, we’d be trying to dissolve a body in Steve Bannon’s jacuzzi.


Our vet has been nothing but wonderful in the 20+ years our family has gone to him. Our first dog, Pepper, was 14 when we had to take her in to be euthanized; she’d had a lot of medical problems and seemed to know it was time. We were allowed to stay in the room the entire time. Even they were busted up about it, but

Oh, I still find their willful blindness funny as hell (as it were). But I do have a pretty pitch sense of humor, so there is that...

Thinking on it, that’s exactly what it is and suddenly the world is a lot darker for the realization. Anyone wanna slip him some arsenic?

I initially read that as ‘banned from life’ and completely agreed. *blinks*

Is he the Spice Girl that’s usually kept locked in the attic, that nobody talks about but now he’s climbed out the window and the world now knows their secret shame?