
I need to go camping one day. Maybe I'll go to Mt. Lassen or Shasta. Or even Yosemite. Yellowstone would be nice too...

@Front_Towards_Enemy: Yeah, Venus would be better but man, there is tons of CO2 to get rid of and not to mention SO2. I think it would be easier to pump it out than to covert them to something else. Hell, the CO2 could be used to give Mars an atmosphere. Could even be used in plant farms.

@The_Hellraiser: I think it was Virgin. Funnily enough, they also had Doom that you could play with their remote.

@The_Hellraiser: I seen one with both. I mentally raised my arms and said "I love you" to the seat. Add in Wifi... mmmmm.

God damn, after reading all this... I should bump myself the next time I go visit my family in NY. It doesn't really matters when I get there, as long as I get there. It would make me happier too with some of the stuff I heard you guys got.

Back 200+ years ago, in the days of Washington and his band of revolutionaries, the Hudson did freeze over at times. Remember the picture of Washington crossing the river at night filled with ice? It don't happen now but it sure happen back then.

You know, the bees could just be flying off since it could be a natural reaction to a infection. If it leaves and dies somewhere, chances are it will spare the rest of the colony. Some ants will do this too, hell, some ants will carry the infected any away.

@The Squid: We're meddling with this since they, the bees, are responsible for pollinating a vast majority of our food crops. Dealing with this problem swiftly is really important since 20-40 percent of bee hives are dead. That is a whole lot and if it gets any worst... eh.

That and how some interbred with Homo sapiens. We all, for the most part, has some part of Neanderthal genes in us. :D

@Steve Zagar: Saw it like that too. and then I looked closer. Then I lol'd.

@Nivenus: China didn't pull an Europe because it is so self-centered. It follows traditions like no tomorrow. It has been like that pretty much since it official start with the Qin. They for sure made cultural and technological advances but they never or hardly ever follow up on it.

I personally prefer if we stuck to space colonies since they are so much cooler but part of me want us to terraform a planet just so to measure how and if humans can pull it off.

@DanielV: The absolute truth. You can never kill the planet. You can only kill what lives on it but... it'll fine a way to survive. It always does.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: Yeah, someone going to imitate Kramer in a second.

I guess he had enough. Geez.

@CherM2222: Well, they don't want them to give it an halfass shot...

I won't doubt this being good... maybe but... where is my 2D? :(

Something is going up in that county since that is one bullshit fee. Those firefighters hands were tied to the people who pay them so... they did nothing.

@kimsung75: Of course since I'm willing to bet that his fist are coated with graphene!