
Chances are you might need to touch it up a bit to make it to look its best.

... Are they trying to kill IW?

Big Sister doesn't mind if we played with you. :D

Now... For a real .hack!

Now this I would love to play.

Here hoping they can pull it off. Back in the day, MoH 1 and 2 were really fun. Sure they are dated now and the aiming mechanism is pretty... odd. However, man were they fun.

@elevenoverzero: Alright, I'll save my money for something else. -sigh-

@elevenoverzero: Doesn't look like there much to do? I can't tell. I'm assuming at least you get to look around on the show floor?

@elevenoverzero: There's a student price for $75. Not sure what you'll be able to see.

Superb edit. Made the campaign look that much... better.

Damn, its expensive to go take a look... I sorta want to go too...

A link between the military and Microsoft... what might they be planning!?

Hrmm... I don't own my house and I'm not the person paying rent but... I should do this.

Thank you, I was hoping that something like this would come out.

Well, now the devs can go ask for treats from the people next door... if that floats their boat.

Umm... I have all the games. I just never played 1 and 2 with the 360 or with my own Xbox Live account... am I excluded?

@BDaiber: After MW2 and now this... they won't see a cent from me when CoD is concerned.

This will not end well.