
@sneakysnake128: Yep. Once you tried it out, the want for one will either have you looking for one or have one in a year time.

I think Kojima is going to pierce the heavens with his drill. Judging by the colors...

@buddhatooda: You should of seen my first middle school...

@dosukoi7: Yeah, you get used to it in an half hour or so.

If they do a Bioshock 3... it will either be a prequel or a sequel based on this premise: Splicing and dicing has moved onto land. Welcome to the Resurrection.

@rbzsfg: Oh hell no. I love pho but that's... too much.

@Leanid: For LA? Yeah. California weather does that to people...

I wonder how many clones were sacrificed to smother the flames... else, how did they pour the hot water...?

Get splicing. I sure there's a cure for that somewhere...

@Malloc: Yeah, this issue is just get me saying: "What the fuck is this faggotry?"

KeytoJoy for the lot of you who want gamepad support.

@rlee: Yeah, larger and maybe more numerous (4-8) can hold it up and keep it in place.

Looks like I have to marathon the game tonight so I can be able to ask relevant questions that not related with the widescreen and gamepad thing that everybody is going on about.

@YuniYoshi: Yeah... they can bitch or whatever all they want. I'll be sitting right here going "KEKEKEKEKEKEKE".

So... can we say this is the beginnings of English visual novels...? Just upgraded, of course.

@F.F.: This genre could be call visual novels... 2.0? I just can't help but compare this to Japanese visual novels like Umineko and such. Heavy Rain is just more interactive, hence the 2.0.

@symphonycometh: The demo had a few European languages. I don't recall Japanese.

@c-rag: Its great having longs arms. :D