That guy sure loved jellybeans.
That guy sure loved jellybeans.
W only had them out to look cultured, it was always too high brow for him to actually read.
It'll be the only place in the world with the complete run of Highlights magazine.
Can't buy good taste.
Aha, now that makes sense. I get stuff.
"Flag Day is not an official federal holiday"
Mid-fly is the perfect length.
'…there’ll be no mandatory office or school closures…'
I was too young for the first, but I totally remember eagerly waiting to get picked up to go see Empire, down to the specific Lego set I was building.
username / comment discord
A large group of my friends & I saw Mars Attacks in the theaters ('96) and they showed a preview for the Star Wars re-releases. We were so jazzed up (read: drunk & stoned) that we initiated a theater-wide standing ovation after the preview. It was so much fun, the whole theater was cheering and going nuts.
Would being happy count as caring?
Well, you know, Russia actually did something to us in the first place, unlike N Korea.
I found a very old MA Dept of Public Health brochure entitled 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS: A Public Health Concern,' I may have to peruse it.
Yeah, maybe the Kinjapocalypse won't be so bad?
I'm just excited to cash in all my sweet, sweet disqus upvotes on kinja deals. That's what's happening now, right?
Sounds like you folks will be doing a lot to keep things as close to status quo as possible, given the orders handed down from above, and as a fan of this site & its community that is much appreciated.
Actually that's pretty great to hear, assuming you guys are given the dev resources to tweak and customize.