Gandalf, Batman and Wildstyle walk into the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. Stop me if you’ve heard this one.
Gandalf, Batman and Wildstyle walk into the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. Stop me if you’ve heard this one.
Destiny, the video game that won Peter Dinklage an Emmy, is now full of hidden secrets, some of which you’ll…
Yes, it’s a catastrophe. There’s no other way to describe the allegations from the Environmental Protection Agency…
This article could not be a bigger, more petulant, wet blanket. I voted against him twice (yes, it was a vote against him), and obviously don’t view his presidency favorably. But he was awesome in the few months following 9/11, and this moment was a highlight (when I/we still needed one) that still gives me chills.…
Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.
My submission and defense.
I am heartbroken.
Makes sense. I guess every day is a cheat day for those guys.
Clearly, the approximate 8,000 daily calories consumed by a Tour de France rider are spread out
Popping a breath mint only masks bad breath—it doesn’t actually solve the problem. If you stink up the vicinity…
Good Lord. I can’t stand when guys say “if it weren’t for Ray Allen, Lebron.....”. Why is that even a point? Lebron needs to score 100% of his teams points and receive no contributions from any other players in order for his rings to be valid. It seems that Kobe, Bird, Magic and MJ played 1 on 5 to some people. Good…
It's a dumb discussion. Abstain from it. You'll be happier and live longer.
“he told me the bible says its okay to poop in your hand then eat it but i’m not allowed to read so idk”
I know a few other commentators have asked this question, but has any of the media coverage addressed the issue of why Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones doing the press tour and speaking out for Josh when he’s a 27 year old man?
“sometimes I take a poop in my hand and then eat it”
He has a face that looks like the result of Gary Shandling mating with a pig.
I can’t help but think that the angry folks criticizing ESPN for giving Jenner the Arthur Ashe Award are the same ones who would have criticized ESPN for naming an award after Arthus Ashe in the first place.
I thought this one was pretty good.
The irony is that all the hate Caitlyn Jenner gets over this just shows how much courage it took to go public in the first place
Tom, I'm afraid you've been hoodwinked: this is viral marketing for Bud Light Lime Straw-Ber-Rita.