
Barring Céspedes going all Jason Heyward on everyone, this looks to be a legitimately good move by the Mets.

Actually, if you listened to the right, their justification for “Nazi” was the same as the left’s is now. They feared their rights being taken away. Wrongly, but nonetheless they had that fear. Now we have that fear. Are we wrong or right? I have no idea. Based on what he has said there is much room for concern. But

Isn’t it a bit problematic to concern ourselves with micro-aggressions against a privileged and powerful white person who orchestrated the election of a fascist which has resulted in MACRO-aggressions against POC, especially Muslim women? This bitch is a fucking Nazi (or worse- an opportunist who promotes neo-Nazism)

Schools being gun free zones aren’t to stop criminals or deter criminals. That would be absurd. Unfortunately, you’re an idiot who can’t figure out that no guns in schools is directed at the type of idiot who brings a gun into a school, bends a knee to hug his kid and accidentally shoots my kid in the chest killing

It’s ridiculous for a group of men to declare whether something is sexist, but no more ridiculous than her claim of sexism here. Besides these fucking people’s bloated self importance and lack of self awareness, there’s nothing to see here.

Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.

My mom called me crying from a casino in Vegas. She was born in Havana a month after he took power and lived in that hell for twelve years. I’m so happy my Grandpa got to see this day. Fuck Castro.

While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000

Listen, I’m 100% with you on gun control and how this guy is a POS but you need to learn something about guns. Real life is not a movie. There is no such thing as shooting someone’s knee or leg. When one fires a gun, they shoot for center mass. The point is that it is the widest area, least likely to miss, and the

Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Lt. Steve Cooper: “

Hot take:

The regulations that actually cause the problem are the ones that artificially reduce housing stock - height restrictions, zoning, and that sort of thing that prevents adding more housing to an area. Add in allowing people to buy a multiunit and tear it down to build a SFH, and you get a major problem.

Density. Density is the only answer.

Man, I really love John Oliver, but this election has underlined how much of a hollow echo chamber satire and comedic commentary has become. Its ubiquity has accomplished nothing, and it appeals exclusively to a willing audience who only want to have their existing beliefs re-affirmed. We’re all just laughing as we

Honest question: people here lambasted Trump supporters who said they would not accept the results if Clinton won, that she’s never be their president, etc. How is it okay to say that about Trump? I have not heard any allegations about rigging, fraud, or other hijinks going on to push a Trump victory. I mean, as much

Totally agree. I think Liberals need to take a long look in the mirror and think about one thing, arrogance. They have been so cocky and arrogant about this election cycle or the last two or three. It jumped up and bit them in the ass in a huge way last night.

Fraternity gets accused of gang rape it never did in a national magazine.

Actually when I was a prosecutor, I’d push for sentences like this all the time. The point is: he’ll agree the to deal. Rape cases are always tricky to prosecute. It gets them a lengthy sentence when they violate probation...which they do often.

Some people like to practice their art.

Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently