
Doesn’t Madonna at this point too? It would be weird to have a President with a Mid-Atlantic accent.

She’s got Trump’s grasp of how politics works. Mags, the federal government doesn’t have the right to determine how much local school districts pay their teachers. It’s not interstate commerce.

While I’m replying to you, this is not directly just at you...the key to what you said is “could see it coming a mile away.”

It was something else though. She said it in the first sentence. She qualified her criticism because she’s on jezebel and doesn’t want to get lumped in with the mean girls who love shoring (famous, white) women like Lawrence up just to tear them down.

There are also the comments from his ex-wife.

In 2005, the DNC changed their approach due to the problems with attracting moderates after 9/11. They targeted all 50 states, not just the blue areas, and specifically ran more moderate candidates.

What’s sad is that, so far, the need to attract moderate independents hasn’t been a part of the public response. The problem within the Democratic Party is too many liberals think we don’t need to attract them.

Is it? Then how did they elect a Democratic governor that all the black people supported?

Yep. Thankfully both he and Ellison will have a similar strategy, so we should be okay regardless of which one gets the job.

But that’s not how actors are paid. The biggest name gets the biggest check, even if it’s an ensemble cast. Macy has 40 years of work and was the reason the show was green lighted in the first place. I hope she gets close to what he does, because she’s really good, but she doesn’t deserve more for having been paid

“Look, I understand the appeal. Shade is cool! It’s fun to say. It makes you seem hip wit it. People might even think you know a few black people or perhaps a Latino.”

There’s almost no chance that happens. The President doesn’t control the economy. Hell, he’s less powerful than anyone on the Federal Reserve board. The private sector drives the economy and will continue to do so. He was lying from the beginning, just like every other politician. Every President claims they’re going

Neither will be the driver of the economy. A President can only affect the economy so much. The entire government is only 1/4 of the economy, and most people’s jobs are untouched directly by it.

Well, you get to start showing them the world is fucked at home first.

I’m curious how not giving the kids any presents will stop conspicuous consumption. A once a year holiday is a blip on total consumption, even Christmas. It’s an empty gesture to make the parent feel better.

You’re talking a good game, but everybody has issues with separating the art from the artist at times.

Solely responsible 13 years later?

Yes, Lord knows those hockey players aren’t wild at all.

Because of her political views? Other than that, you can’t throw a rock without hitting someone minimally talented with a showbiz career.

Still, naive but goodhearted in fine in this day and age. At least they care.