
I thought at least one was going to be Yakity Sax.

She’s an independent contractor, so they can fire her for pretty much anything.

Except you couldn’t have traveled further down the wrong highway!

He spoke up three years ago though...something else must have caused it to resurface now.

His interview is three years old as well, so it’s not finally getting traction because of him admitting it. I wonder what’s going on to make it come to light. At least the truth has finally come out.

Rumors of drug abuse have been following her around for some time. If true, that plus the Lupus must make her sick a lot.

Plus, women are 57% of total college students. Women’s colleges aren’t competitive anymore because women are the majority at most colleges. The need for them has eroded.

But was he different during the initial leaks, or did we just not know about him? He immediately got charged with two sexual assaults and blamed them on conspiracies, so who knows if he was always just a sleazebag looking to get famous or at some time was swayed by Putin.

Apparently there is also a huge problem with sexual assaults of male soldiers that’s been hidden for a while too. It’s something that a few articles have noted, but it doesn’t seem to have hit the national consciousness yet.

In this case, I don’t even think the Hampshire protesters have a good argument. If the flag was an important enough symbol to use as a protest of the election, then you can’t turn around and say “it’s just a symbol” if people protest its burning.

Yeah, we have two good candidates. Despite today’s stuff from the ADL, he’s supposedly in the lead.

Yep...they’re not bound to a party, so they’re going to piss everybody off at some point.

This is hilarious and everything...but this isn’t coming from Republicans. He’s in a race against Howard Dean for the DNC. Republicans have no say or care in that race. They hate Dean too.

Even if it does, the worst case scenario is Howard Dean, who is probably the better candidate. His ‘05-’09 tenure was great.

This isn’t coming from the right wing news. The ADL reversed face on their endorsement of Ellison for DNC chairman, which is what pulled it up into the news. The only question is whether it’s coming from Howard Dean’s camp or not.

He’s just in a campaign for DNC Chairman. He’s the front runner, with Howard Dean being in 2nd. Because of that campaign, mud is being slung about his past. Or it may not be mud. The media might have just picked it up themselves.

This is Democrats against Democrats. He’s not facing racist Islamaphobes. The reason for the smear campaign is that he’s running for an office. He’s emerged as the top candidate for the job and is supported by a lot of power players. That comes with a backlash.

All these years, I thought it was Andre Cymone in all of the videos prior to When Doves Cry and singing the second lead on 1999. But he left in 1981, so now I have to look up who the other guy was.

YOU BIG DUMMY. Waco is 20 minutes from West. You should never stop for food in Waco., I don’t think someone from New York is going to like Wyoming or Waco much. Though of the two, Wyoming is at least so rural that people generally leave each other alone. Waco is actively bad, plus the summers suck.