
Though it should be pointed out that they weren’t there to discuss sexism. Conway texted Scarborough about the sexism as they were discussing the Romney issue. So he either ignores the accusation of sexism (a better idea IMO), or the white guys that are already there end up discussing it.

And you’re not smart enough to tell the difference between someone who disagrees with you and someone who supports Nazis. Everybody has their faults.

It’s hyperbolic. Let’s start with a literal comparison. Hitler killed six million Jews. Trump’s favorite daughter converted to Judaism, and Trump has the US conservative’s over the top support of Israel.

Not really. Most rural areas are in food deserts, which are mostly a myth anyway (90% of people shop for groceries at supermarkets, with the rural poor making up most of the other 10%). The problem is choice, and it’s generational.

He definitely should. I think this is nothing more than a matter of him not knowing much but speaking out anyway. It’s just conspiracy theory talk.

We didn’t lose because of voter supression. 280 million people are eligible to vote. Over 200 million were registered at the time of the election. Only 135 million voted. Hillary won the popular vote and was within under 100k total votes to where she would’ve won the election. Trump did worse with white people and

Wow...did you really just try to use John Bobbit, the object of 1 million jokes for being mutilated, the man whose wife was cheered by women for cutting off his dick, as an example of our misogyny? That’s crazy.

The comparisons to Hitler were in now way stopped by people saying Godwin’s Law. That conversation was had over and over.

But if there’s nothing to complain about, how do you get your agenda out that day?

Yeah...people can obviously still feel whatever they like. But the paralysis and complaints have to stop. Every month before November 2018 counts, the DNC needs major changes, and getting Democrats together is like herding cats.

The government was extremely pro-business in response to the 1947-48 recession, and we ended up having 25 years of prosperity. And really, Obama and Clinton were both pretty pro-business. Both parties are corporatists at this point.

Whether it’s media coverage or anything else, people complaining about a false balance almost always just want the scales tipped in their favor. Conservatives do it with affirmative action. Liberals do it with the mainstream media.

You’re definitely right, but I’m not sure she has a choice. People wanted her to comment, and she tends to get slammed for being privileged.

Native Americans only come up during discussions of school mascots and Halloween costumes. The fact that every single person on the reservations tells the media that they care about jobs and education doesn’t seem to ever sink in.

It just shows how significant amounts of hate graffiti is just kids thinking it’s a funny prank.

This is an article outing four college cheerleaders. They were suspended. Anyone defending them is part of a small minority. You already won, so why complain?

No. I googled to read a local affiliate’s article on the subject. They just added two people, bringing the number involved in the suit up to 7. The defense is using that as an excuse to say that those two women are lying, which leaves the rest in question.

This is all about whether or not the Democrats go moderate or double down on liberalism. The party has gone from 36% of the public down to 29% (the GOP has gone from 31 to 26). That coincided with the liberalizing of the Dem platform (and the GOP’s downturn with the increase in conservatism).

Yep. I knew Jordan didn’t get it when I got to this part- “Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.”

You’re making up that women are going to be thrown in jail for a miscarriage. Then you’re criticizing Rock and Chappelle for not agreeing with your made up scenario.